Our Services

Our Lawn Care & Pest Control Services

We know how frustrating it can be to have a less-than-perfect lawn, which is why we’re incredibly proud to offer prompt and professional service to people living in Columbia, TN and surrounding areas with their lawn care needs. When you choose Mr. Lawn, you’re choosing to work with a team of lawn care control professionals who have your best interest in mind and will get the job done right the first time around. If you aren’t satisfied with your most recent service for some reason, we’ll keep working until you are. No questions asked. We guarantee it.

Are you looking for another service? Give us a call at 615-490-4082 today!

Mosquitoes ruin the summer months and expose your family to dangerous diseases. Our mosquito control service kills them on contact and acts as a repellent for weeks to come so you can enjoy your yard again.
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Moles are highly active animals that spend most of their time underground in their burrows. They are active throughout the year, but their activity levels can vary depending on factors such as temperature, moisture, and food availability. Give us a call to schedule your Mole Control Evaluation.
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Vole control can be a tricky business. Understanding how these burrowing insectivores move around and what their primary diet consists of is key to successfully removing them from your lawn.
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Providing the lawn with the nutrients it needs to thrive is essential for a sustainable lawn. We customize our fertilizers to your soil test results, reducing waste run off and building your soils.
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Armyworms, grub worms, sod webworms, cut worms, chinch bugs and mole crickets, all of these insects can wreak havoc on your lawn. Our insect control services prevent and control these pests and other like them.
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Lawn seeding can renew, and restore a dead lawn, but using the right seed for your area is key to a sustainable lawn that will thrive for years.
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Controlling weeds effectively is key to a sustainable lawn. We use historical soil temperate data to time our weed control services to effectively control weeds the first time.
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Pulling weeds year round is back breaking work, but there’s a better way. By controlling weeds before they’re even large enough to see, we can reduce the amount of chemical use at your home and and save your back.
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Ensure that your lawn stays free from unsightly weeds, like crabgrass, that can compete with your grass for nutrients, water, and sunlight. By preventing weeds from taking root, you won’t have to spend as much time and money on weed control measures like pulling or spraying weeds.
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Identifying the disease you’re dealing with is the first step to lawn disease and fungus control. By understanding the mechanisms of growth, we can analyze the lawn and landscapes and make recommendations that will make a permanent, positive change in the health of your lawn.
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Not only do Ticks annoy cats and dogs, but if you love you animals as much as we know you do, this is not tolerable. Ticks cause skin irritation, allergies, and diseases like lyme disease.
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