The Mr. Lawn Care
Treatment Plan

Your Custom Lawn Care Treatment Plan

  • 8 treatments timed to prevent and effectively control pests in your lawn and promote your soil fertility.
  • Tailored fertility to your soil test results, Responsibly providing the lawn with what it needs and when it needs it.
  • Bee Safe Company, all of our products and services are safe for bees.
  • Flat Rates, we understand the importance of a budget and sticking to it. We’re the same price every visit, always.
  • We’re Parents Too, We know how much it means to us when we know a service is being provided. We’ll notify you one week before providing a service.

What is Custom Lawn Care?

It starts with collecting data.

Every customer receives a soil test before services begin. I’ll analyze your soil chemistries following MLSN Guidelines, alongside the 30 yr historical weather data, to calculate your Growth Potential. This allows me to anticipate your lawn’s annual fertilizer needs and when it needs it.

It’s not just plant nutrition

There are also lots of pests that can wreak havoc on your lawn. By combining soil temperature data with the life cycles of weeds, diseases, and insects that are likely to affect your lawn, I can calculate the best times to control them, before they become a problem. I call these Preventative Pest Control Windows.

By combining the Average Growth Potential with the Preventative Pest Control Windows, I’ve developed the timing and frequency of the 8-step plan below!

Early Spring Crabgrass Pre-emergent and Fertilizer

This first visit will help wake up your lawn from the long winter. An application of granular fertilizer coated in the pre-emergent product prodiamine will be applied to the lawn. This will feed the lawn for 5-6 weeks and inhibit the growth of weeds, mainly crabgrass for the following 6 months. A spot application of weeds will be completed as well with a combination of broad-leaf weed control products. The main targets will be clover, onion, henbit and chickweed. This treatment promotes early spring green-up, targets weeds, and prevents crabgrass.

Spring Fertilization and Weed Control

We will apply an organic granular fertilizer to the lawn consisting of nitrogen and potassium. This will slowly feed the lawn for the next 10-12 weeks.

A spot of application of weed control will take care of any weeds present. The main targets are wild strawberry, violets, plantain, and dandelion. The result is a thicker, healthier lawn that will naturally be able to defend itself against weeds and problem grasses. Our eco-friendly lawn care products provide beautiful results with fewer nitrates and pesticides than products other lawn care companies use.

May Treatment for Disease and Nutsedge

We will apply a liquid treatment to the lawn for Brown Patch and Dollar Spot Disease. This will stop the growth of brown patch and dollar spot disease in the lawn and keep the lawn looking vibrant and green.

We will also be applying a nutsedge control product called Celero. This is the latest and most effective product for control of nutsedge.

June Treatment for Disease, Insects and Summer Weeds

We will be applying a liquid treatment combining two modes of action for the control of turf diseases in the lawn. This will stop the growth of brown patch and dollar spot disease keeping the lawn vibrant and green.

We will also be applying the latest pollinator-safe insect control product Aceleypryn. Aceleypryn is 100% safe for earthworms, bees, and butterflies. It is the only pollinator-safe product that controls army-worms and grub-worms for longer than 30 days.

July Treatment for Disease, Fertilization and Summer Weeds.

We will be applying a liquid treatment combining two modes of action for the control of diseases in the lawn. This will stop the growth of brown patch and dollar spot disease keeping the lawn vibrant and green.

We will also be applying the organic liquid fertilizer Depth MFT. This product is a specialty foliar fertilizer with high concentrations of a vegetal-derived peptide bio-stimulant, plant-available amino acids, and fully chelated micro-nutrients for unsurpassed color. The peptides contained in this product are beneficial during the summer months as they allow the root system to grow during the stressful conditions of the summer. This will relieve stress and bring color back to the lawn for 4 weeks

August Treatment for Disease and Grassy Weeds

We will be applying a liquid treatment combining two modes of action for the control of diseases in the lawn. This will stop the growth of brown patch and dollar spot disease keeping the lawn vibrant and green.

We will be applying the organic liquid fertilizer Depth MFT. This will relieve stress and bring color back to the lawn for 4 weeks

We will be applying a spot treatment to grassy weeds like johnsongrass, dallisgrass, goosegrass and barnyard grass.

Early Fall Fertilization Pre-emergent and Clean up

During our third visit, we promote your lawn’s healthy growth with an application of organic granular fertilizer. This will feed the lawn for 10-12 weeks. This will also act as your starter fertilizer if you decide to seed with us.

An application of the pre-emergent product mesotrione will inhibit the growth of poa trivialis and poa annual as well as other annual weeds that can take over the lawn during the aerating and seeding process. This product does not inhibit the germination of fescue, ryegrass, or bluegrass. Mesotrione will also suppress bermudagrass, allowing for better germination of seed in sunny areas. Bermudagrass will turn white for a short time. This visit creates a healthier and greener yard and when paired with our aerating and over-seeding service can completely rejuvenate a dead or dying yard.

Winterization and Winter Weed Control

This application will be a granular fertilizer consisting of nitrogen and potassium. Potassium thickens the cell walls of the plant giving new growth more insulation from the freezing temperatures. This is important for our area where we can have new growth surge during the 65 degree days followed by a string of subfreezing days.

We will be applying special weed control products that will not hurt young seedlings that have grown in from the fall. These are Octane and Drive. The main targets will be onion, clover, and henbit. By continuing the bio-nutrient supplements treatment, it will help your lawn continue to thrive in the summer heat while improving the root structure in your turf.

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There is a 10-15% chance that your soil test will reveal a deficiency that will need to be addressed outside of the normal budgeted treatments. In this rare event, I’ll go over the results of your test and walk you through the options to best handle them at a budget that works for you.

For lawn care services services, call 615-490-4082 today!


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